How to Recover Hacked Genshin Impact Account from ru email
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
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The phenomenon of hacked accounts is indeed very worrying and disturbing for anyone, especially gamers. all kinds of video game accounts can be hacked. including genshin impact even though the items in this game cannot be moved or sold per item.
I've experienced this, my genshin impact account was hacked by an unknown person from Russia. my genshin impact email was changed to russian domain. (dot).ru. After waiting a month, my account finally came back.
To solve a hacked account you need to follow these steps.
How to recover a hacked Genshin account
1. Contact CS mihoyo
The first thing you have to do is contact CS mihoyo. You don't need to tell how chronological events and account details are. just type in the email subject "Account form hacked account" and send it to, and you will automatically receive an email reply containing the form that must be filled out correctly.
2. Fill in the form
Click Mihoyo pass to fill out the form. and in the first question select the account got hacked. then fill in all the questions in the form correctly. You will be asked for information about your account, there are some questions that may be difficult to fill, namely :
- First date login
- Device used to login for the first time
- Date of first top-up if ever
- Screenshot proof of payment receipts
- Top-up payment method.
- Set up a new Gmail
so make sure you fill in all the data correctly, so that your account can be recovered.
3. Wait for a successful reply or not
The final step is to wait for an email reply. mihoyo will provide an email reply within 20 working days or it could be sooner. I myself managed to restore my account after sending the form three times, because in the first two attempts I didn't enter payment receipts and I entered the wrong registration date.
To find out the date of the list, you can open the email and look for the first email from Mihoyo that came in for the first time.
If your account is successfully recovered they will write you a message with the content of the email "We are glad to inform you that we have successfully retrieved your account." after that follow these steps.
- Visit our official website:
- Click "Forgot Password?" on the bottom left.
- Enter the new email that you filled in when filling out the form.
- Login with your new password on our website.
- Go to "Login Devices" on the left side.
- Remove unknown devices.
After following all the methods given by Mihoyo, immediately log in to the game to make sure your account has been completely restored and can be played again.
Tips for securing genshin impact account
There are tips that you can do to secure your account so that it doesn't get hacked by unknown people.
1. Create a Unique Password
A good password is a password that contains a combination of:
- Capital letters
- Lowercase
- Number
- and symbol
Never create a password that is similar to an email or password that contains personal information such as date of birth.
2. Connect Account
The second thing you can do is connect the account to your email, username, and phone number. besides that you can also connect your genshin impact account to social media accounts that are supported by genshin impact.
3. Change passwords regularly
The last way is to change passwords often, this can indeed make your account safe but it is also dangerous to do if you are forgetful. but if you forget you have to use the forgot password feature. this is better than having your account hacked by someone else.
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